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Moravian Gallery | ART DESIGN FASHION

The Museum of Applied Arts at the Moravian Gallery in Brno has undergone a remarkable transformation with its new concept, “ART DESIGN FASHION”.  This innovative approach expands the Museum's focus to include not only design but also fashion and the intersection of design and art. Visitors can explore a permanent collection, temporary exhibitions, and new facilities designed by prominent Czech artists, designers and architects.

AuthorArchitecture / interior design:
Catwalks: Olgoj Chorchoj, www.olgojchorchoj.cz
Respirium: David Karásek
Black & Light Depot: Maxim Velčovský, Radek Wohlmuth,
edit!, www.editarchitects.com
Café Robot, The Cloud: Marek Jan Štěpán, www.atelier-stepan.cz
Designshop: Eva Eisler
Architectural design of the expositions Cave, Prostor Pro, 2000+ Design, 2000+ Fashion: Tomáš Svoboda
The Demon of Growth: Krištof Kintera, www.kristofkintera.com
Social mediawww.facebook.com/moravskagalerievbrne
PhotographerBoysPlayNice, www.boysplaynice.com
CollaboratorGeneral contractor: IM Development
Graphic design: Lukáš Kijonka
Illustrations: Jiří Franta
Support in equipping the Museum and acquisitions to the Moravian Gallery collections: members of the Association of Czech Industrial Design